If you or somebody you know has mild hearing loss, it is crucial that you educate yourself about it as much as possible. When you have accurate knowledge, you can avoid making bad choices and will be better able to cope with your condition. When you’re coping with hearing loss, dismiss the following myths. Having […]
Bananas don’t taste the same as they once did. That’s because today’s banana farmers grow an exceptionally different type of banana then they used to. These new bananas sprout faster, are more resilient, and can prosper in a wider range of climates. And they taste quite different. So why haven’t you detected the great banana […]
Every day scientists are discovering new cures. That may be a positive or a negative. For instance, you might look at promising new research in the arena of curing hearing loss and you figure you don’t really have to be all that careful. By the time you start exhibiting symptoms of hearing loss, you think, […]
If you’re exposed to a lot of loud sound and don’t wear ear protection, you may experience hearing loss down the road. Hearing loss might be in your future, for example, if you work on a noisy factory floor without ear protection. These are pretty common and well known causes of hearing loss. But there’s […]
For you and the people in your life, living with hearing loss can take some work to adjust to. Sometimes, it can even be unsafe. What’s going to happen if you can’t hear a fire alarm or someone yelling your name? Car noises can warn you about hazards ahead, but if you have untreated hearing […]
Even when it’s somewhat mild, hearing loss can have a big impact on your life. The way you communicate with friends, coworkers, and family members can change significantly. Everyday activities like going to the supermarket can become more difficult. But it doesn’t need to have this kind of negative affect on you. On the contrary, […]
If you start talking about dementia at your next family gathering, you will most likely put a dark cloud over the entire event. The topic of dementia can be really scary and most people aren’t going to purposely talk about it. Dementia, which is a degenerative cognitive disease, makes you lose a grip on reality, […]
You’re feeling hungry so you go to your fridge for a little bite to eat. How about a salty treat… maybe some crackers? Potato chips sound good! There’s a leftover slice of cheesecake that would be delicious. Actually, maybe you should just have a banana. After all, a banana is a much better health option. […]
No two cases of hearing loss are the same Just because two individuals have the same hearing loss condition doesn’t mean they will have exactly the same experience. No two cases of hearing loss are precisely identical. While you might be able to relate to somebody else with hearing loss, keep in mind that your […]
Gatherings. So many family gatherings. It likely feels like you’re meeting or reuniting with every relative you have, every weekend, during the holidays. The holiday season can be fun (and also difficult) because of this. Typically, this type of annual catching up is something that’s easy to anticipate. You get to check in on everybody […]